October 26-28 // 8:00 PM
Space Place Theater
All performances are free and open to the public. Seating is first-come, first-served.
There will be a talk back session following Friday's performance.
bare, witness. by Lovar Davis Kidd
Jesus Loves the Little Children...and then what? by Todd Rhoades
Please be advised Jesus Loves the Little Children...and then what? contains strong language and subject matter relating to sex, sexuality, and religion.
Meet Kidd + Rhoades
University of Iowa Acknowledgement of Land and Sovereignty
As an academic institution, it is our responsibility to acknowledge the sovereignty and the traditional territories of these tribal nations, and the treaties that were used to remove these tribal nations, and the histories of dispossession that have allowed for the growth of this institution since 1847.
Read the full Acknowledgement of Land and Sovereignty