Updated: July 29, 2024




For Academic Year 2024-2025


The MFA Thesis concert is the comprehensive outgrowth of the student’s graduate studies at The University of Iowa. Dance MFA candidates at the University of Iowa perform and / or choreograph their MFA thesis concert as part of their creative and scholarly work in the curriculum of the MFA Program in Dance. 

The Department of Dance and the Performing Arts Production Unit make every effort to provide options in support of MFA candidate’s Thesis work. Arrangements to produce outside of Space Place Theatre take time and multiple steps. It is important to note that if requesters don’t meet the deadlines outlined below, the Department of Dance and Performing Arts Production Unit are not obligated to move forward with the Site Specific request.


The Performance Venues, and associated guidelines, available for MFA Thesis concerts are outlined in three sections below: 

Site-Specific Thesis Guidelines





Space Place Theatre

May 1 (Approved)

Production Stage Manager, 

KatyBeth Schmid, Catherine-schmid@uiowa.edu

MOCAP and VR Studios

May 1 (Approved)

Digital Media Specialist, 

Emily Berkheimer, emily-berkheimer@uiowa.edu

University of Iowa 


Arts Campus Facility

March 15 (Request)

May 1 (Approved)


Rebekah Kowal, Rebekah-kowal@uiowa.edu


Director of Dance Production,

Eloy Barragan, eloy-barragan@uiowa.edu

Off Campus Location

March 15 (Request)

May 1 (Approved)


Rebekah Kowal, Rebekah-kowal@uiowa.edu


Director of Dance Production,

Eloy Barragan, eloy-barragan@uiowa.edu

I. Performing Arts at Iowa Facilities


Deadlines: Please confirm use of Space Place Theatre by May 1 of the AY (academic year) prior to Thesis production with the Director of Dance Production and Production Stage Manager.

Calendar: dates will be provided to you for Thesis I, II, or III.

Location: 101 North Hall

Space Place Theatre Specs HERE

Space Place Production Guidelines HERE

Contact: KatyBeth Schmid, catherine-schmid@uiowa.edu


If a student is interested in REQUESTING the use of MOCAP Studio and/or VR Studio they must meet the following pre-requisites:

  • Displayed competency and experience with desired technical gear
  • Coursework or research completed with Digital Media faculty 


Deadlines: Please confirm use and dates of MOCAP Studio by May 1 of the AY prior to Thesis production. 

Location: Performing Arts Annex 166

MOCAP Specs:

Square Footage – 1652 ft2

Seating Capacity – 

5 square feet per person standing

7 square feet per person sitting

*design of space requires approval of fire marshal

*Please contact Emily Berkheimer for additional facility specifications 

MOCAP Production and Equipment Guidelines: Please contact Emily Berkheimer for guidelines

Contact: Emily Berkheimer, Emily-berkheimer@uiowa.edu


Deadlines: Please confirm use and dates of VR Studio by May 1 of the AY prior to Thesis production. 

Location: Performing Arts Annex 175

VR Studio Specs:

Square Footage

Seating Capacity

*Please contact Emily Berkheimer for additional facility specifications 

VR Studio Production and Equipment Guidelines: Please contact Emily Berkheimer for guidelines

Contact: Emily Berkheimer, Emily-berkheimer@uiowa.edu

II. UI Campus Site-Specific Request


Steps 1 – 3 Completed by March 15 of the academic year prior to Thesis production

Steps 4 – 5 Completed by May 1 of the academic year prior to the Thesis production


Request Steps:

Step 1 - Discuss and research UI campus location(s) with DEO, Director of Dance Production and Thesis advisor (please see Appendix A for a listing of UI green spaces)

Step 2 - Contact Building Coordinator of UI Campus Location to request dates, rental rates, facility guidelines, and storage

Step 3 - Submit UI Campus Location Request via WORKFLOW REQUEST FORM to provide the following information:

  • UI Campus Location Name and Facility Hours
  • UI Campus Location Rates, Facility Guidelines, and Storage
  • Rehearsal and Performance Dates and Times 
    • as it relates to the available Facility Hours
  • Outline of how UI Campus location supports your Creative Work
  • Outline of Production Elements, please review Dance Production Guidelines
  • Production Equipment Requested from Performing Arts inventory
  • Production Equipment Requested from MOCAP, VR inventory
  • Request will route to: DEO, Thesis Advisor, Director of Dance Production, Production Manager, Production Stage Manager, and Technical Director for review

Step 4 - PSM will schedule a meeting to discuss request and next steps, inclusive of but not limited to:

  • Scheduling an onsite visit and safety walk with the DEO, Director of Dance Production, Fire Marshall, UI Campus location Building Coordinator, Production Director, Technical Director, and Production Stage Manager
  • Scheduling a debriefing meeting after the walk thru. MFA Thesis Student’s may be required to re-submit the location request, if needed, to include feedback from onsite walk through.

Step 5 – DEO and Director of Dance Production will contact MFA Thesis Student with decision on UI Campus location request

UI Campus Location Production Guidelines:

UI Campus Locations follow: 

  • Department of Dance Production Guidelines 
  • Production Deadlines as outlined for MFA Thesis Concerts
  • UI equipment, scenery, props, and costumes are available for checkout per the availability and feasibility as it relates to the Performing Arts season calendar while also adhering to the Campus locations guidelines.
  • FOH staff provided by request to Molly Dahlberg.
  • Upon request and justification, additional budget may be provided by the Department of Dance to support the Thesis candidate in acquiring and Archival Videographer, Archival photographer, Crew (if Dance Production Run crew class is not available), Stage manager.

III. Off-Campus Location Request

Off-Campus Requests will only be permitted for community performance spaces within the Iowa City/Coralville area where users will need to adhere to their facilities guidelines.



Steps 1 – 3 Completed by March 15 of the academic year prior to Thesis production

Steps 4 – 6 Completed by May 1 of the academic year prior to the Thesis production


Request Steps:

Step 1 - Discuss and research Iowa City/Coralville Community Performance location(s) with DEO, Director of Dance Production, and Thesis advisor (Please see appendix B for a local listing of performance spaces)

Step 2 - Contact Iowa City/Coralville Community Performance space to request dates, rental rates, facility guidelines, and storage

Step 3 - Submit UI Off-Campus Location Request via WORKFLOW REQUEST FORM including the following information:

  • Iowa City/Coralville Community Performance Space Name and Facility Hours
  • Iowa City/Coralville Community Performance Space Rates, Facility Guidelines, and Storage
  • Rehearsal and Performance Dates and Times 
    • as it relates to the available Facility Hours
  • Outline of how Iowa City/Coralville Community Performance Space supports your Creative Work
  • Outline of Production Elements, please review Dance Production Guidelines
  • Production Equipment Requested from Performing Arts inventory
  • Production Equipment Requested from MOCAP, VR inventory
  • Request will route to: DEO, Thesis Advisor, Director of Dance Production, Production Director, Production Stage Manager, and Technical Director for review

Step 4 - PSM will schedule a meeting to discuss request and next steps, inclusive of but not limited to:

  • Thesis candidate acquiring their own use agreements and liability insurance with the Iowa City/Coralville Community Performance Space
  • Thesis candidate coordinates with local offices in the jurisdiction to conduct safety and fire training protocols, as identified by the Iowa City/Coralville Community Performance Space

Step 5 – Thesis Candidate submits: 

  • use of Iowa City/Coralville Community Performance Space facility agreement, insurance, and fire / safety approval to DEO, Thesis Advisor, Director of Dance Production, Production Director, Production Stage Manager, and Technical Director for review
  • PSM will schedule a debriefing meeting after submission. MFA Thesis Student may be required to re-submit the location request, if needed, to include feedback from onsite walk through.

Step 6 – DEO and/or Director of Dance Production will contact MFA Thesis Student with decision on Iowa City/Coralville Community Performance Space request


UI Off-Campus Location Production Guidelines:

It is likely that producing at an off campus location will require additional funding. In budgeting for a Thesis concert, candidates should consider these additional costs as it relates to their allocated Thesis budget from the Department of Dance. Costs exceeding the allotted budget will likely need to be supported through grants and/or personal resources and is not the responsibility of the Department.

  • Audio, lighting, and video equipment needs will be supported by the Iowa City/Coralville Community Performance Space as part of the facility rental agreement
    • University owned audio, lighting, and video equipment will not be available for checkout as they are not set up to be transported and used off campus for Thesis productions.
  • Front of house will be provided by the Iowa City/Coralville Community Performance Space as part of the facility rental agreement. 
  • UI props and costumes are available for checkout per the availability and feasibility as it relates to the Performing Arts season calendar while also adhering to the checkout guidelines.
  • Upon request and justification, additional budget will be provided by the Department of Dance to support the Thesis candidate in acquiring an archival videographer, archival photographer, crew, and stage manager for Off-Campus performances. 

Appendix A: University of Iowa Green Spaces

Gibson Square Park

Hubbard Park

IMU River Amphitheater

Kautz Plaza

North Liberty Plaza

The Pentacrest

LINK to Outdoor Campus spaces and Contact for Reservation

Appendix B: Local Performing Arts Spaces (not all inclusive)

Off-Campus Performing Arts Venues – Iowa City/Coralville


The Englert Theatre

221 E Washington St

Iowa City, IA 52240


Contact: Keegan Colletta-Huckfeldt

Senior Production Manager


(319) 519-6739

Capacity: 725 seats


The James Theatre

213 N Gilbert St

Iowa City, IA 52245


The James Theatre Event Inquiry 

Rental Fee: $500/day


(319) 600-2936

Capacity: 121-250 seats


Coralville Center for the Performing Arts

1301 5th St

Coralville, IA 52241


Rental Fee: CCPA Rental Rates 

Contact: Evan Hilsabeck

Managing Director


(319) 248-9371

Capacity: 472 seats

Coralville Center for the Performing Arts

Willow Creek Theatre Company 

327 S Gilbert St

Iowa City, IA 52240


Contact: WCTC@willowcreektheatre.org

(319) 541-7931 

Willow Creek

Old Brick 

26 E Market St

Iowa City, IA 52245


Contact: Julie Thomas, 

Executive Director


(319) 351-2626

Old Brick

Riverside Festival Stage 

(May 1-October 1)


200 Park Rd

Iowa City, IA 52246


Contact: Jeff Sears

Recreation Program Supervisor


(319) 356-5020

$75/hr. – Stage and two (2) dressing rooms

$100/hr. – Stage, dressing rooms, & concession stand

$250 refundable deposit if no alcohol served, $500 if alcohol served

Riverside Stage Rental Application

Riverside Festival Stage

Riverside Theatre

119 E College St

Iowa City, IA 52240


Contact: Irena Saric

Managing Director


(319) 887-1360

Hourly: $150/hr.

Daily: $1,150/day (12 hrs. max)

Capacity: 150


Public Space One 

538 S. Gilbert St

Iowa City, IA 52240


Contact: John Engelbrecht 



Rental fee: $50-$300 sliding scale.

Main Hall capacity: 50

Public Space One
Public Space One