Revised November 19, 2024

Revisions to the Production Guidelines

All Production Guidelines and Best Practices are reviewed for revisions the summer prior to every academic year and occasionally during the academic year. If you would like to propose a revision to any production related guideline, please compose an email to the Director of Dance Production and Production Stage Manager. In your letter, outline the change you propose and the reason for your proposal for review. Revisions to guidelines occur during summer break. Revisions may occur during winter break for extenuating circumstances.

Production Personnel, Reference Chart, Production Deadlines

When contacting staff, please note that responses will be sent during regular business hours (M-F 8am-5pm).

RoleNameContact Information
Overall Supervision of DepartmentRebekah Kowal,
Production ManagementBriana Maxwell, Production
Audio LaboratoryKevin
CopyrightsSee Music Copyright & Licensing Page 
CostumesCindy Kubu, Costume Shop
 Juliana Waechter, Dance Costume Consultant/ Inventory
 Brendan T. Dudgeon, Dance Fabrications Specialist/Inventory
 Margaret Wenk-Kuchlbauer, Costume Designer (Dance Gala) 
Departmental Concert/Artistic Questions

Eloy Barragán, Director of Dance Production

George de la Peña, Director of Dance Production 

Digital MediaEmily Berkheimer, Digital Media
Guest Artist PaymentsJason Millsap, Associate Company
House ManagementSarah Raper, Dance Academic 
Keys, P Card, Safety, Scheduling, ICON Course for Space Place Projector SystemKatyBeth Schmid, Production Stage
MFA Thesis CoordinatorEloy Barragá
ScenicDon Schneider, Technical
 Margaret Wenk-Kuchlbauer, Scenic Designer (Dance Gala) 
 Joan Newhouse, Paint Shop 
PropsGina Smothers, Props
 Reese Morgan, Props
ElectricsJosh Nathanson, Electrics
Video Equipment, SoundRachel Duncan, Audio/Video
 Chris Jensen, Audio
Dance Archival VideoAlejandro Gonzalez-Morales, Dance 

ThesisInformation Meetings1 in fall, 1 in spring
Weekly meetings can be set up by SM
ALL concertsHalsey Hall: Cabinet KeysCheck out keys from Molly
ThesisProcurement Card and PurchasingCheck out PCard from KatyBeth Schmid
Purchase Links can be sent to KatyBeth Schmid, Cindy Kubu, Don Schneider, or Gina Smothers
ALL concertsGuest Artist AppointmentsSubmit guest info to Jason Millsap. (see deadlines chart)
ALL concertsSceneryAll scenic elements not from stock must be approved by Don Schneider before entering the theatre
ALL concertsRiggingN/A
ALL concertsProps

Make appointment with Reese Morgan for checkouts

All props must be approved before entering the theatre

ALL concertsCostumes

Make appointment with Juliana Waechter or Brendan Dudgeon and CC Cindy Kubu

All costumes must be approved by Cindy Kubu and CC Juliana Waechter, Brendan Dudgeon

ALL concertsLight Board

Board and rep plot in Space Place. Details from Josh Nathanson

All lighting elements not from stock must be approved before entering the theatre

ALL concertsHazeRequest to KatyBeth Schmid and CC Josh Nathanson. (see deadline chart)
ALL concertsProjections/VideoCenter projector or Watchout
ThesisDigital MediaPlease see Digital Media Specialist
ALL concertsSound, Custom Preshow AnnouncementQ-Lab system
ALL concertsStage CrewProduction run crew students
ALL concertsVideo CrewProvided by dance maker, or dance maker may train run crew
ALL concertsMarketingKayla Schindler
ALL concertsHouse ManagersProvided. Ushers contingent on volunteers. Please see Molly Dahlberg with questions.

ALL eventsSceneryAll scenic elements not from stock must be approved by Don Schneider before entering the theatre
ALL eventsRiggingN/A
ALL eventsProps

Make appointment with Reese Morgan for checkouts

All props must be approved before entering the theatre

ALL eventsCostumesMake appointment with Juliana Waechter or Brendan Dudgeon
ALL eventsParadigm

Paradigm lighting system located at House Left console. Please see PSM with questions, training.

All lighting elements not from stock must be approved before entering the theatre

ALL eventsProjections/VideoCenter Projector. Controlled at House Left console. Please see PSM with questions, training.
ALL eventsSoundOperated at House Left console. Please see PSM with questions, training.
ALL events

Stage Crew

Video Crew

Provided by event coordinators.
ALL eventsMarketingKayla Schindler
ALL eventsHouse ManagersProvided. Ushers contingent on volunteers. Please see Molly Dahlberg with questions.

Note: If you do not intend to use a specific element, please reach out to production staff to confirm this information.

Deadline DateWhatContact Information

Thesis I: August 19, 2024

Thesis II: January 13, 2025

Ground plan and build week plan proposal submitted

Space Place/Site Specific seating arrangement request DUE

Any part of performance not occurring on stage proper request DUE

To Don Schneider:
Thesis III and IV: January 13, 2025Build week plan proposal submittedTo Don Schneider:

Thesis I: August 19, 2024

Thesis II, III, and IV: January 13, 2025

Video/projector proposal DUE

To Rachel Duncan:


Emily Berkheimer:

Thesis I: August 19, 2024

Thesis II, III, and IV: January 13, 2025

Microphone and sound equipment request DUE

To Rachel Duncan:


Chris Jensen:

Thesis I: August 26-30, 2024

Thesis II, III, and IV: January 21-24, 2025

Scene Shop build week

In Hancher Scene Shop

Shop Hours 8am-5pm

Thesis I: September 23rd, 2024

Thesis II, III, and IV: February 17, 2025

Special lighting requests from lighting designer DUETo Josh Nathanson:

Thesis I: October 2nd, 2024

Thesis II: February 26, 2025

Receive final approval for scenic items, ground plan, seating arrangementsFrom Don Schneider

Thesis I: October 2nd, 2024

Thesis II, III, and IV: February 26, 2025

Receive final approval for digital media, projections/video, sound equipmentFrom Emily Berkheimer, Rachel Duncan

Thesis I: October 3, 2024

Thesis II: January 23, 2025

Thesis III: February 3, 2025

Thesis IV: February 21, 2025

Deadline to submit Guest Artist InformationTo Jason Millsap:

Thesis I: October 23, 2024

Thesis II: February 12, 2025

Haze request DUE

To KatyBeth Schmid:

CC Josh Nathanson

Thesis I: Nov 7, 2024

Thesis II: February 27, 2025

Thesis III: March 14, 2025

Thesis IV: March 28, 2025

Completed marketing program information form DUE

To Kayla Schindler: 

Thesis I: 

Thesis II: 

Thesis III: 

Thesis IV:



Thesis I: November 4, 2024

Thesis II: February 24, 2025

Thesis III: March 10, 2025

Thesis IV: March 31, 2025

Music, Preshow Music, and Custom Preshow Announcement Recording Request DUETo Kevin Swenson:

Thesis I: November 8, 2024

Thesis II: February 28, 2025

Thesis III: March 14, 2025

Thesis IV: March 31, 2025

Film a run of your piece and send linkTo Stage Manager and Lighting Designer

Thesis I: November 13, 2024

Thesis II: March 5, 2025

Thesis III: March 24, 2025

Thesis IV: April 7, 2025

Cue Sheets due to Stage ManagerTo Stage Manager
Monday after Closing

Remove from theatre all items brought in for performance

Return all check out costumes and props

Return all items purchased with your department provided thesis money

Return keys



Costumes to Juliana Waechter, Brendan Dudgeon

Props to Reese Morgan

Purchases to KatyBeth Schmid, Cindy Kubu, Don Schneider, Gina Smothers

HH Keys to Molly Dahlberg, Space Place Keys to KatyBeth Schmid

Note: If you do not intend to use a specific element, please reach out to production staff to confirm this information.

deadline datewhatcontact info
March 12, 2025


Any part of performance not occurring on stage proper request DUE


To Don Schneider:
March 12, 2025

Video, projector proposal DUE

Microphone and sound equipment request DUE

To Rachel Duncan:


Chris Jensen:

March 27, 2025Deadline to submit Guest Artist informationTo Jason Millsap:
April 9, 2025Receive final approval for projections/video, performance space, sound equipmentFrom Don Schneider and Rachel Duncan
April 9, 2025Haze Request Due

To KatyBeth Schmid:

CC Josh Nathanson

April 24, 2025Completed marketing program information DUE

To Kayla Schindler: 


April 21, 2025Music, Preshow Music, and Custom Preshow Announcement Recording Request DUETo Kevin Swenson:
April 30, 2025Cue Lists due to Stage ManagerTo Stage Manager
Monday after Closing

Remove from theatre all items brought in for performance

Return all checked out costumes and props

Return all checked out items

Return keys



Costumes to Juliana Waechter, Brendan Dudgeon
Props to Reese Morgan

Audio Equipment to Rachel Duncan

HH keys to Molly Dahlberg, Space Place keys to KatyBeth Schmid


deadline datewhatcontact info

Grad/Undergrad: October 24, 2024


Fac/Grad: March 6, 2025

Deadline to submit Guest Artist InformationTo Jason Millsap:

Grad/Undergrad: November 18, 2024

Fac/Grad: April 9, 2025

Music, Preshow Music, and Custom Preshow Announcement Recording Request DUETo Kevin Swenson:

Grad/Undergrad: November 18, 2024


Fac/Grad: April 2, 2025

Any part of performance not occurring on stage proper request DUETo Don Schneider:

Grad/Undergrad: November 18, 2024


Fac/Grad: April 2, 2025

Video, projector proposal DUE

Microphone and sound equipment request DUE

To Rachel Duncan:

and Chris Jensen: 

Grad/Undergrad: November 22, 2024


Fac/Grad: April 7, 2025

Receive final approval for projections/video, performance space, sound equipmentFrom Don Schneider and Rachel Duncan

Grad/Undergrad Concert: November 21, 2024

Fac/Grad Concert: April 10, 2025

Completed marketing program information DUE

To Kayla Schindler: 

Link for Grad/Undergrad Concert: 

Link for Fac/Grad Concert: 

Grad/Undergrad: December 4, 2024


Fac/Grad: April 16, 2025

Cue Sheets due to Stage ManagerTo Stage Manager
Monday after Closing

Remove from theatre all items brought in for performance

Return all checked out costumes and props

Return all checked out items

Return keys



Costumes to Juliana Waechter, Brendan Dudgeon
Props to Reese Morgan

HH keys to Molly Dahlberg, Space Place keys to KatyBeth Schmid


  • A stage manager will be provided for all Concerts.
    • Events will provide their own stage (event) managers
  • Concerts: A rehearsal report should be filed for each individual date in the theatre. It is the thesis candidate's (or stage manager's) responsibility to file the the report by 8:00 a.m. of the following day. The report needs to be emailed to the following faculty and staff:
    • Rebekah Kowal
    • Eloy Barragán
    • Molly Dahlberg
    • Faculty Advisors
    • Design/Artistic Team
    • Kevin Swenson
    • KatyBeth Schmid
    • Don Schneider
    • Cindy Kubu
    • Juliana Waechter
    • Brendan T. Dudgeon
    • Josh Nathanson
    • Rachel Duncan
    • Chris Jensen
    • Emily Berkheimer
    • Gina Smothers
    • Jason Millsap
    • Briana Maxwell
    • Kayla Schindler
  • Reports must contain at least the following information (template available from PSM upon request):
    • Production Name
    • Performance Number
    • Performance Date & Performance Time & Performance Space
    • Weather
    • Late Arrivals - cast and crew
    • Prop Notes
    • Costume Notes
    • Video Notes
    • Sound Notes
    • Work Notes
    • Marketing Notes
    • Facility Notes

  • The production stage manager will issue the stage manager of each production approved keys to the Space Place Theatre, booth, and cabinets.
  • The SM is then responsible for locking the booth, all doors to the theatre, and the dressing rooms each night during rehearsals and performances. Please turn off all lights as well.
  • Faculty or graduate dance makers may check out Halsey Hall prop cabinet keys from the dance administrator.
  • When your production closes, return all keys no later than 48 hours after your final performance. The concert will be charged for lost keys, even if the concert is not directly responsible for their loss. The amount will be $250.
  • Guests are responsible for their own instruments and storage of their instruments.

* This section refers to any production purchase, guest and/or personnel payments, and copyright payments that utilize the Thesis student's Department of Dance production budget.

  • You must give copy of your University ID card, PCard Checkout Form, and approved budget outline to PSM before making purchases.
  • Before a Procurement Card (PCard) will be checked out for purchases, individuals are required to fill out a PCard Checkout Form and provide their budget that has been signed/approved by their faculty advisor or instructor and list of team members (designers) authorized to make purchases for the production.
  • Before a guest and/or personnel payment is processed, individuals are required to provide their budget that has been signed/approved by their faculty advisor or instructor.
  • Before a copyright payment, via invoice, is processed, individuals are required to provide their budget that has been signed/approved by their faculty advisor or instructor.
  • Purchasing for productions:  Procurement card obtainable from PSM or TD. Receipts must be included with the card. Card can be checked out for weekdays (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) only.
  • Purchasing for guest artists, personnel, and/or copyright invoices should be coordinate through the Associate Company Manager.
  • Note: Procurement Card is the ONLY method of payment.  There is no guarantee of any reimbursement of any expense that a student incurs using any other method of payment.
  • Shop purchases: Reported on shop reports prepared by Technical Director, Costume Studio Supervisor, Props Artisan, Electrics Supervisor, Audio/Video Supervisor, and Digital Media Specialist. Note the purchaser, team leader, and production.
  • University purchases are exempt from sales tax. Forms with the tax-exemption information are available in the department office. Any sales tax charged on purchases is charged to the production budget.
  • In order to reduce university expenses, if a UI department provides a service or product, you may not spend your budget on a competitor. The primary restriction is printing and photocopying. You must use UI Printing Services for all photocopying and printing needs. Receipts from local print shops will not be reimbursed.
  • In order to purchase food with the production budget, the expenses must be approved by the PSM in advance of the purchase. Local grocery stores have been known to donate products, particularly if they are acknowledged in the program and/or lobby display.
  • Plan ahead with all purchases to ensure that all areas of production stay on schedule.
  • All items that are purchased with the PCard and with university monies are property of the university and must be returned to PSM or dance administrator within 48 hours of the close of your production, or those items will be charged back to the purchaser’s university account.

  • Pulling of costumes must take place during posted hours and with the assigned costume staff member.
  • Arrangements for the date/time of costume returns will be made at the time of check out.
  • Thesis dance makers' costumes will be laundered by shop staff during their production.
  • Concert/Event dance makers will be responsible for laundering costumes while in production, unless specified otherwise.  Costumes that are to be dry cleaned should be included in the budgeted expenses.




  • Props Coordinator: Reese Morgan
  • Props Manager: Gina Smothers
  • Administrative Coordinator: Sarah Raper



  • We do not check out hand props or furniture to students for class use. Below are the following exceptions:
    • Students in Collaborative Class may check out props but you must have approval from the instructor and Props Manager before scheduling an appointment.
    • Graduate students performing their Master’s Thesis concert may check out props at the start of the fall/spring semester during the academic year in which their thesis is scheduled.
    • Graduate students performing in the Faculty/Graduate Concert may check out props 3 months prior to their scheduled performance.
  • Dance Gala and UIDC have priority over all other performances when checking out props.
  • Classroom cubes, tables, and chairs may not be used for productions in other spaces. Lobby tables and chairs may not be used for productions.



  • When checking out hand props and furniture:

Make an appointment with the Props Coordinator during posted hours. All appointments should be a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Email is the official method for making an appointment:

  • Fill out and sign the Props Borrower Agreement with the Props Coordinator before you check out any props.
  • Hand props and furniture are located at an offsite facility: 
    • The Props Coordinator will drive the truck and grant access to the warehouse, but the Borrower is responsible for providing enough labor to pull the desired items. The Props Coordinator will be happy to assist you in locating props, however you are responsible for moving and storing them.
    • A minimum of two people are required for any furniture check outs. The Department truck can carry up to 4 passengers plus the driver. Please plan on a minimum of 1 hour to go to the warehouse, pull items, and drop them off.
    • All props must be secured in a locked space when not in use for rehearsal, tech, or performance.
      • Contact Molly Dahlberg, to check out a Prop Cabinet or Locker.
    • Understand that you are responsible for all items in your possession after you check them out.
      •  All transport to and from props cabinets or storage locations is the responsibility of the borrower.


  • When returning hand props and furniture:
    • Return your items on the day specified in your Borrowing Agreement. You must give 24-hour notice if the return date and time needs to be changed.
    • Items should be returned in the same condition as when they were borrowed.
    • If an item(s) is missing, you will have one week from your return appointment date to locate the item and return it.
      • If the item cannot be located, the production (department) will be charged to replace it. Replacement/charge procedures will be discussed on a case-by-case basis.
    • All returned items that are damaged, broken, or missing are subject to full replacement charge. Value of every item is written on the checkout form provided by the Props Coordinator.
    • Any props or furniture left in rehearsal, performance, or shop space after strike, will be restocked by the Props Coordinator and the production (department) will be billed for a standard shop labor rate.
      • The standard shop labor rate for any production shop for the 2024-2025 academic year is $25/hour with a two hour minimum.



  • If you bring personal property, you are responsible, and it is not covered under UI policy unless property was damaged due to gross negligence at which point you can file a Tort claim.
  •  If a prop is borrowed from an individual or company off-campus, the Department has an insurance policy that covers them in case of loss, theft, breakage, or other damage, including fire and water.
    • A claim can only be filed if there is a Props Borrower Agreement form on file. If items are to be covered by this policy, you must obtain and fill out this form and return it to the Props Coordinator. It will list each item's value, which is the extent of its coverage. You should be in agreement with the lender as to this amount.
    • This insurance coverage has a $500 deductible. This means that if an item is lost or damaged and a claim filed, your production (department) account is charged for the deductible amount. (If your account cannot coverthe loss, you will be personally responsible for the difference--see TEAM LEADERS’ RESPONSIBILITIES.)
    • If items are borrowed from other Departments on campus, please follow the Interdepartmental Loan Policy PERFORMING ARTS LOAN POLICY - Interdepartmental.docx



  • Prop weapons are not permitted for classroom use or class projects.
  • Under no circumstances should any weapons be brought to campus from home.
  • We follow a strict protocol when it comes to checking out and using realistic/replica firearms for any show, regardless of whether they fire a blank or not.  No check out of these items will be made to any show, regardless of whether or not it is fired, until the director, Stage Manager, actor(s) using the weapon, and crew person(s) responsible for it backstage complete the Gun Safety Training. These items may not be stored in a props locker or student locker. They must be locked in an office and stored in a desk drawer when not on stage. They may not be placed on the props table during the run of a performance. They must either be locked up on stage or in a crew person’s hand at all times. There are no exceptions. If this policy is abused in any way, the gun will be taken away from the performance.



  • Purchasing props will require a Procurement Card.
    • Any items purchased with department money or as part of a production budget are the property of the Performing Arts Production Unit and must be returned to Props Storage at the end of the performance’s run.
  • It is a strict University policy that no alcoholic beverages can be used as properties.
    • Receipts for these items will not be reimbursed by the University of Iowa. The props collection has a considerable collection of empty beer, wine, and liquor bottles.

  • Limited stock scenery may be available, at the Technical Director’s discretion.
    • Dance Makers who wish to check out scenery from stock should make an appointment with the Technical Director to meet at the warehouse with at least 24 hours of notice.
    • Dance Makers are responsible for transportation of any scenic items. Please bring enough people to safely move any items being checked out.
    • Please contact the Technical Director if you need to check out a university vehicle to transport scenery.
  • Space Place does not have a traditional overhead fly space and there is limited rigging capability. Please contact the Technical Director for additional information.
    • A faculty supervisor should be present for any work using the personnel lift during hours outside of the production schedule.
    • Before using the lift, Dance Makers and team members should complete the Fall Protection (W188OS) and Aerial Lifts (W516OS) courses on ICON.
    • Before using any ladders in the theatre, Dance Makers and team members should complete the Ladders (W040OS) course on ICON.
  • It is the responsibility of the Dance Maker and their team to complete all aspects of load-in and load-out.
    • All items brought into the space must be removed by the Monday after closing.
  • Dance Makers are financially responsible for all scenic elements checked out to the show. Each item must be returned to its original location, in its original condition. If items are altered or damaged, the individual who checked out the item will be a charged the value of the item plus a 2-hour minimum work call at $20 an hour.
  • Stock scenery may not be altered in any permanent fashion; all painting must be approved. Any prop, scenic, or paint supplies used in the build or load in of the production must be recorded and will be charged to the show.


  • Thesis productions are entitled to one week of supervised access to the scene shop in order to build and finish any scenery or props needed for the production in the spring. Thesis candidates must provide their own shop labor.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Anyone who wishes to work in the scene shop must be identified early enough so they can participate in safety training and tool qualification, which is done by appointment only. Please arrange shop safety training session with Technical Director prior to your construction week.
    • (please see Production Deadline Dates above for your build week dates)
  • Any tools, supplies or equipment damaged (i.e. paintbrushes) will also be charged to the show.
  • Once construction begins, no additions to the ground plan will be permitted unless approved by the production staff. A walk through of the performance space by the PSM and TD is required after load in and before tech rehearsals begin. The team leader is responsible for setting up this appointment.
  • Please included the following in your Build Plan Proposal to the Technical Director:
    • a list of stock items you want to use
    • a list of items you intend to build
    • a written description of your construction, load in, and painting scheme
    • a scaled ground plan (indicate elevations) *a pdf ground plan with grid is available per request from TD
    • a written description of any special construction
    • a plan and schedule for when and where scenic items are to be built and stored prior to load in
    • name and phone number of all those who will build and paint
    • a strike schedule and restore plan
  • The TD or scenery shop supervisor must be present in the shop at all times during build.
  • Once load-in is completed, it is the responsibility of the team leader or stage manager to have the PSM and TD to approve the installation by setting up an appointment with the PSM in advance. Once approved, it falls to the team leader or stage manager to keep the playing space safe.
  • If scene shop employees clean any area or equipment left by a production or production team member, the production is charged a fee for the labor. This includes, but is not limited to debris, furniture or props left in any shops, rehearsal spaces, performance spaces, or hallways; or tools, materials, or equipment left abandoned at the end of the workday. The penalty fee will be at the standard shop labor rate ($20 an hour) with a 2-hour minimum call per crew member and charged to the team leader’s university account.
  • All scenery and shop supplies must be returned on Monday following the last performance unless special arrangements are made with the TD in advance.


  • Headsets will be provided for each production for use by the stage manager, backstage crew, designer, and board ops.
  • The rep light plot is available here: /media/4681
    • No changes to the overhead rep plot are allowed.
    • The six re-focusable specials can only be re-focused by current employees or students who have undergone the Aerial Lifts (W516OS) course on ICON.
  • Light Board is located in the Space Place booth.
  • Standard cut gel, gobos, and a selection of frames are available from the Space Place inventory. Please arrange a time with the electrics supervisor to check out gel and gobos.
  • Any needs that arise during technical or dress rehearsals or show runs should be brought to the attention of the Space Place supervisor (all concerts except Collaborative) and to the attention of the instructor (for Collaborative).


  • Two way radios will be provided for each production for use by the stage (event) manager, backstage crew, and house left console operator.
  • Each event may choose from the pre-recorded light looks in the Paradigm System.
  • Instructions on how to use the paradigm system are located on the House Left console and available by request from the PSM.
  • Any needs that arise during technical, dress rehearsals or performances should be brought to the attention of the Space Place supervisor or Faculty supervisor. 


Dance makers wishing to use digital media equipment and resources outside of built in projector and Watchout systems are required to schedule a conversation with the Digital Media Specialist when submitting their video/projector proposal. Dance makers who are unversed in digital media or have complex tech needs will be encouraged to hire a media designer and programmer as they will be expected to: 

  • Provide Video/Projector Plot with expected image brightness/size  

  • Produce Video Content 

  • Provide Stage Manager with Cue Sheet   

  • Make any necessary programming or mapping changes throughout tech process  

  • Collaborate and communicate design choices/needs with other designers, SM team, and staff 

Contact or for help finding a designer or programmer. 



  • The center projector is available for use. The artistic team must provide a media computer to run their media.
  • Special accommodations for use of the Watchout system and its media computer must be approved by Audio/Video Supervisor before you begin to design your piece.
  • Special accommodations for use of Digital media must be approved by Digital Media Specialist before you begin to design your piece.
  • If a dance maker wishes to use the center projector they should:
    • Supply their own computer with their content loaded on it.
    • Supplied computer should have proper VGA Connector. One VGA cable will be provided.
    • Please see director of dance production with any questions about projections/video compatibility.
    • An operator will be provided to run the equipment, if available through the PRC class, however it is the dance maker's responsibility to assure that all video is playing properly through the center projector.
  • If a dance maker wishes to use Watchout they should:
    • Receive approval from Audio / Video supervisor
    • Transfer all video content to the Space Place computer and assure that all video is playing properly through Watchout
    • An operator will be provided to run the equipment if available through the PRC class, however it is the dance maker's responsibility to provide a programmer and/or make all adjustments to the video playback as needed during rehearsals.


  • The center projector is available for use.
  • Content, VGA adaptor, and media computer to run the projections / video must be provided by the artistic team and/or dance maker.
  • Instructions on how to use the center projector system are located on the House Left console and available by request from the PSM.
    • The key should be checked out from Molly Dahlberg.
  • Any needs that arise during technical, dress rehearsals or performances should be brought to the attention of the Space Place supervisor or Faculty supervisor. 

  • Please see the deadline chart above for all sound requests.
  • If the deadline is missed, your show sound will need to be run on your own equipment.


  • Board operators and deck crew provided by production run crew class or hired/trained operators.
  • A stage manager will be provided for all concerts.
  • A projection/video operator is not provided. If one is needed, it must be provided by the artistic team.
  • There will be one space place supervisor in Space Place at each tech, dress, and performance date to supervise the space and answer any questions you might have for all concerts.


  • Each event should provide their own crew.
  • Instructions on how to use all production systems are located on the House Left console and available by request from the PSM.
  • Any needs that arise during technical, dress rehearsals or performances should be brought to the attention of the Space Place supervisor or Faculty supervisor. 

  • The dance videographer will film archival video of performances that occur in Space Place Theater that appear on the dance production calendar. Please speak to the dance administrator, Molly Dahlberg, for recording dates.

Talkbacks can be scheduled upon request.

  1. Must be coordinated with Molly (House Managers) and PSM (Crew)
    1. Please submit the following information for approval: approximate length of show and length of talkback
  2. Participants in talkback must change out of costume before start of the event
  3. The Stage Manager will stay to supervise the space.
  4. House Managers will stay to supervise audience.
  5. Curtain must be closed so crew can perform post-show duties. Crew are not required to stay for the talkback.
  6. If a mic is desired, the classroom system mic can be used.


Updated 12.7.23 

It is the Performing Arts at Iowa Space Place Theatre’s Booth policy that to request use of the Space Place Theatre Booth and Booth Equipment the user (event) must: 

  • Be a Performing Arts Faculty member or Graduate student. 
  • support the educational and/or research mission of the Performing Arts at Iowa as defined below and 
  • be feasible, as determined by the Production Staff, as it relates to the Space Place Theatre season calendar 

Education Mission includes: 

  • Faculty use doing creative or scholarly work required by their position Performing Arts students doing creative or scholarly work as part of their UI Performing Arts curriculum 

Below is a an outline of Training Requirements, Equipment Usage Guidelines, and Access Request Process for: 

  • Audio Equipment 
  • Digital Media (Video) Equipment 
  • Lighting Equipment 

Please Note: 

  • Each area of booth equipment outlined in this document has specific training and request process. If a requester would like to use all equipment in the booth, they must make the request to each of the different department heads as listed below. 
  • Not following the guidelines outlined could lead to revoking booth access o User agrees to abide by the University of Iowa Performing Arts Space Place Theatre’s Booth policy and understands that they are responsible for all booth items and equipment while in their use. If any items in the booth are not in their original condition by the end of their use, the Department of Dance will be responsible for the replacement and/or repair costs. 
  • Please contact Production Stage Manager KatyBeth Schmid,, for key checkouts. 

Audio Equipment: 

    • Training by Chris Jensen, Audio Engineer, or Rachel Duncan, Audio Video Specialist, prior to tech 
    • No repatching the sound console/sound equipment 
    • No moving equipment used by other projects 
    • No removing of classroom equipment (unless coordinated with Chris or Rachel and is replaced every night) 
    • Organize files on a folder on the desktop with your name/date/project 
    • Sound tracks are transferred via USB or AirDrop – Qlab iMac does not go on internet 

Digital Media (Video) Equipment: 

    • Students who have taken any of these classes can be considered trained for digital media: 
      • Entertainment Design (THTR:3270) 
      • Installations and Interactive Performance (THTR:2880/DANC:2880/DIGA:2880) 
      • Video for Performance (CINE:3876, DANC:3876, INTM:3876, THTR:3876)
    • No repatching existing cable runs 
    • No moving equipment in use by other projects (projectors, cameras) 
    • Local user account should be used (login info provided on computer monitor) 
    • Keep files organized in a folder on the desktop with your name and date 
    • Files will be deleted end of semester unless otherwise communicated 
    • please send email to Emily Berkheimer, Digital Media Specialist at 
    • Including: 
      • What equipment you would like to use (computers, projectors, media servers, other software) 
      • When/how you were trained to use equipment 

Lighting Equipment: 

    • Anyone wishing to use the light board should have taken Lighting I (THTR:3250), or should have previous experience programing on ETC light boards. Those who have not taken Lighting I will need to verify previous experience with Joshua Nathanson 
    • Required that Student shall arrange a 20 minute training session with Joshua Nathanson or assistant to familiarize themselves with the Space Place lighting rig (Availability is subject to overall PAPU production Calendar) 
    • All events shall use one lighting control system, either the paradigm or the light board. There shall be no switching back and forth during a single event. 
    • Vari-lites are not to be used outside of Concerts 
    • Show files shall be saved with the event name and date. REP FILE IS NOT TO BE CHANGED 
    • No lights are to be refocused for events 
    • Precut gels are available for booms in the booth filing cabinets. No full sheets are to be cut for events. 

Production Department Contacts: