Directed by Stephanie Miracle with assistance from Sophia McLaughlin and the company
Please be advised this performance includes strobe lighting.
Scribbled in a notebook from June 2023.
"... a play with sports and games structures as metaphors for society and our
relationship to competition, individuality and community. A movement vocabulary that is playful, dynamic, mundane, chaotic, and organized. Cartoonish scenarios ranging from narrative to abstract, serious to absurd. The audio describer is like a narrator and sports caster, fully integrated in all the scenes and helping us to 'see' more.
... How can these performances prioritize accessibility both in content and experience? Also we will be touring to communities that may not have a 'proper' theater. How can we make this work site-flexible and adaptable to a variety of spaces/places? (hmmm, in the process let's rehearse in spaces outside the theater. The Main Library? The basketball courts? The Natural History Museum? A grocery store?)
In our research together we will ask:
What around me is alive? (If it's not alive what is it?)
What around me is winning? What around me is losing?
What around me is practicing? What around me is performing?
What am I doing in this network right now? What am I cheering for?"
Alongside my notes, a still image from the Peanuts film, "You're a Good Sport Charlie Brown"
Madison Burkhart
Jack Delaney
Noah Fox
Ruby Gentzler
Amelia Fisher
Enza Handzel
Jemma Hoffman
Allyson Meinders
Emily Pyburn
Allyson Radke
Gracie Schultz
Paige Waller
Artistic Team
Assistant Director:
Sophia McLaughlin
Rehearsal Assistant/Audio Describer:
Cami Rezabek
M Denney – original music
People Like Us – "The Other Side" and "Nothing"
Costume Designer:
Margaret Wenk-Kuchlbauer
Lighting Designer:
Jim Albert
Digital Designers:
Molly Costello, Mackenzie Albert
Special Thanks
Thank you to the dancers! I am so grateful for your trust, patience and playfulness through out the process. Congratulations on a beautiful show.
To Sophia for being a steady beam of light in every single rehearsal.
To Cami for venturing boldly into the field of Audio Description for dance with great curiosity, artistry, and integrity.
To Susan, Crystal, and the students from Extended Learning for dancing with us and helping us learn how to do things work.
To Emma Denney for her original compositions and to Vicki Bennett/People Like Us for giving us permission to use their music.
To all the designers for making this production gorgeous.
To the production team and the department for offering incredible support along the way.
To ArtShare for organizing our tours and bringing this work into a variety of communities.