Seltsame Seligkeit strange bliss (2014)
Choreography: Jennifer Kayle, with collaborative movement development from the dancers, including the original cast (Erin Corcoran, Ethan Rome, Amy Simonson and Lauren Vanchina)
Music: Robert Schumann, Franz Schubert, and Fernando Obradors
Costume Designer: Margaret Wenk-Kuchlbauer
Lighting Designer: Jim Albert
Dancers: Madison Holtz, Talia Howard, Ashley McKim , Kate Tonn
Special thanks to all cast members, past and present, for their contribution to developing and honing this work!

Jennifer Kayle is a choreographer and improvisational performer whose work has appeared nationally and internationally; with 70 choreographies in her body of work, Jennifer has been honored to showcase some very talented students from University of Iowa in both local and national venues. Jennifer is an associate professor, director of the MFA program, co-founder of Movement Intensive in Compositional Improvisation, and with philosopher Ali Hasan, co-author of “Unplanned Coordination; Ensemble Improvisation as Collective Action,” published in the Journal of Social Ontology. Kayle is certified in The Feldenkrais Method of somatic education, and introduces the Method’s Awareness Through Movement lessons to university students every spring semester. Jennifer is thrilled to be included in this year’s UIDC repertory, and to partake in our return to Space Place Theater!