Choreography: Collectively by the class
Music: Beginning and End by Max Richter, Optimist by Zoë Keating
Costume Design: UI Department of Dance
Lighting Design: TBA
Dancers: Alexi Schuoltz, Allyson Meinders, Madison Burkhart, Noah Fox, Ruby Gentzler, Emily Holman
As we travel through the world of knowledge, we leave behind family, friends, and memories causing a feeling of emotional distress and the loss of unconditional support from home. We experience and observe one another for who they are becoming. In this new environment each person comes with their own emotional baggage which can be created from the physical manifestation of loss. This piece will set out to convey the feeling one experiences leaving behind everything they’ve known and everything we’ve lost.
It is clear to the audience that one dancer is completely alone. The duration of the piece is a journey to figure out why this dancer is isolated. The remaining dancers uncover that this inner turmoil stems from losing someone important. Through movement the dancers demonstrate the construction of a community to help this dancer weather the storm of grief. We will never truly know how others feel unless we ask or talk to one another. Sometimes we can feel as if we are supporting someone, but we will never know until we address it.

This work was created based on sharing experiences and conversations with each student within the course regarding their transition from high school and home to the University of Iowa.

Eloy Barragán – MFA - Hollins University
Associate Professor, Choreographer, Filmmaker, Founder and Director: International Iowa ScreenDance Festival, Co-Director: Iowa Dance Festival. Artistic Director IN MOTION-Dance Gala 2022, can – I – Trust IWP and Dep of Dance Collaboration 2022. Board Member of the American College Dance Association.
Recipient of the choreographers’ fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Boise Arts Council, Lifetime Career Fellowship: Idaho Commission of the Arts.