Lénaïg Cariou
Lénaïg Cariou is a French poet, researcher and translator. After studying Arts and Literature at Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris) and spending a few years in the U.S., she created the Connexion Limitée/ Limited Connection transatlantic translation collective; they translated poetry collections of Monica de la Torre (The Happy End / All Welcome), Eleni Sikelianos (What I Knew), and their translations of Adrienne Rich, Kay Gabriel and Laura Vazquez are forthcoming. From 2021 to 2023, she lived and wrote in Berlin ; in 2023, she joined the Collectif Viscose, a group of artists and writers based in Geneva (Switzerland). She is currently preparing a PhD on contemporary poetry at Université Paris 8. Her poems and translations are regularly published in poetry journals, in Europe, and North America, and her two first poetry collections are forthcoming in 2024 : A main levée (LansKine), and Les dires (POL).
Facebook: Lénaïg Cariou ; Instagram: @lenaig.cariou