Kieron Dwayne Sargeant
Kieron Dwayne Sargeant is a Trinidadian-born interdisciplinary artist,
choreographer, drummer and dance researcher emerging out of the African-
Caribbean tradition. Over the past 20 years, he has been involved in
documenting, assessing, and analyzing dance traditions of the Caribbean and
establishing a canon of dance teachings and workshops, informed by his
research, to popularize the ancestral survival of movement traditions
between the Circum-Caribbean and Western Africa.
His research focuses on the field of African Caribbean and African Diaspora
dance practices. In particular, his work explores both regenerative and
deconstructionist methodological approaches to engaging with African
Traditional Trinidadian Dances for the concert, commercial and
contemporary dance world. His current research focuses on The Fusion of
African Retentive and Continued Trinidad and Tobago dances and Contemporary
American dance for the classroom and stage.
Kieron’s artistic practice includes translating sacred cultural and spiritual
practices into artistic practices, resulting in dance works for the concert and
commercial stage. He has previously presented his research at the Preaching
as Performance Conference, at the University of Calgary (Canada) and the
NEPCA Dance and Popular Culture Conference, at Worcester State
University (U.S.A.). ‘Mystical Consciousness’ (2019) - a dance work based
on his former work entitled, Choreographing Mourning (2019) - A Ritual of
the Spiritual Baptist Faith in Trinidad and Tobago", which is an African-
Caribbean syncretistic religious practice. In the work Mystical
Consciousness, he investigated notions of representation, connectedness, and
consciousness in portraying the significance of "Africa" in the Spiritual
Baptist Church, the relationship of insider/outsider, and perception vs reality
in African religious practices and aesthetics. His latest work “He Shall Walk
(2022)” is a solo performance presented by Northwestern Black Arts
Consortium as part of The Black Arts Archive: The Challenge of
Translation” Sawyer Seminar, which was sponsored by Mellon Foundation.
This solo performance continues Sargeant’s work on African religious
practices and aesthetics by connecting African- American ‘danced spirituals’
to the Spiritual Baptist Faith in Trinidad and Tobago through Talley Beatty’s
The Mourners Bench (1947). From August 2021 to March 2022 Mr. Sargeant
was a collaborator on a Mellon funded project, Writing the Body with Dr.
Lara Cahill-Booth, an Associate Professor in the English and
Communications department at Miami Day College. His choreography has
been presented nationally at Suny Brockport, Florida State University,
Northwestern University, Universoul circus (Atlanta), Air Dance Conference
(Miami), 621 Gallery and internationally in Nigeria, Canada, Senegal,
Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Mexico, London, Barcelona, Portugal, and
Mr. Sargeant has conducted African Diaspora and Caribbean dance
Masterclasses at Queensborough Community College, NYU Steinhardt, New
York University, and Simon Fraser University of Contemporary Arts. Prior
to this, he taught Masterclasses and Workshops in African-Caribbean,
African-diasporic, and African-contemporary at Ecole Des Sables (Senegal),
at the Mojuba Black Dance Festival,, the University of Florida, at the
National Dance Education Colorado Conference, Sacramento State
University, at Columbus State University, at Florida State University, at the
Edna Manley School of the Performing Arts (Jamaica), at The Dance Guild
(Nigeria), International Association of Blacks in Dance Conference (IABD)
and the Collegium for African Diaspora Dance (CADD).
Mr. Sargeant holds an M.F.A. in Dance Performance and Choreography from
Florida State University, M.A. in Community Dance Practice from Ohio
University and B.A in Dance from the University of West Indies.