Enza Handzel
Enza Handzel is from Chicago, Illinois and began her Dance training at 2 years old. Beginning at Impact Dance Studio, she had the opportunity to perform and train in the styles Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Contemporary, and Lyrical. Later in her career, she began training in the Hubbard Street Dance Chicago Youth Department and was a member of the Hubbard Street Youth Ensemble. Training in Ballet, Jazz, Modern, and Contemporary she had the opportunity to learn and perform works by John Cartwright, Jessica Miller Tomlinson, and Mai Claypool. She has also had the opportunity to train with the After School Matters Dance Ensemble during her high school years under the direction of Karen Curin. Enza was also a part of the Jones College Prep High School Dance Department as a student and teaching assistant under Elisa Foshay. Currently, Enza is in her third year as a double major in Dance and Communication Studies here at the university. She has had the opportunity to perform works by Jennifer Kayle, Ellen Oliver, Brady Van Patten, Mikey Rioux, and Tony Orrico during her time thus far at the university.