Emily Culbreath
Emily (Lady Em) Culbreath began dancing professionally in 2015 after graduating with her BFA in Dance from The University of Colorado at Boulder. She began touring with Rennie Harris's Grassroots Project soon after and then with the renowned hip-hop theater company Rennie Harris Puremovement in 2018. She is now the rehearsal director for RHPM. Emily has shown her work at the "Illadelph" street dance festival, "The Come Together Festival" hosted by Koresh Dance, "Here and Now vol. II" sponsored by W.O.R.X, The San Francisco International Hip Hop Dance Festival, Summer Dance Forever's Theater Forever program, Urban Movement Arts' "UMA Shows Up" program, and as a guest choreographer at Franklin & Marshall College (PA) and Georgian Court University (NJ). She is currently a graduate fellow at the University of Iowa. Emily has taught and guest lectured in various contexts, including Mark Morris Dance Group, New Visions for Public Schools, California State University, The Juilliard School, The Ailey School, Princeton University, and Rennie Harris University's street dance certification program. Emily held an adjunct faculty position at Franklin and Marshall College in the Spring of 2023. She co-founded Snack Break Movement Arts with her husband, Joshua Culbreath, in 2021. Snack Break is a project-based duo that recently won Summer Dance Forever's Theater competition duo category in the summer of 2022, and has since performed on two international stages.