Maggie Steimel
Margaret Steimel is a senior from Aurora, Illinois, where she started dancing at the age of 3 at Steps Dance Center. She is graduating in May with her BFA in Dance and BS in Psychology with Honors distinction in both. In her time in Iowa, she has been a part of numerous concerts such as Faculty/Grad, Dance Gala, MFA/BFA, Grad/Undergrad, including touring with the University of Iowa Dance Company. Margaret is the current President of the Undergraduate Dance Organization and previously served as Undergraduate Auditions Coordinator. Most recently her work, “Internal Affairs” was presented at ACDA at the University of Nebraska. Outside the Department of Dance, Margaret served as a student tutor for the Athletic Department for 5 semesters and a research assistant for the Cognitive Psychology Department for 3 semesters. She is also a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society. Margaret assisted and performed with the Hollywood Vibe Pro-Company for two seasons. In the fall, she is planning to move to Columbus, Ohio and dance for the WhirlWind Dance Company as a Community Artist under the direction of Joshua Manculich.