Revised June 24, 2024
ALL HH STUDIO & SPACE PLACE REQUESTS made at: Dance Studio Request Form.
- CLASS, Faculty, Graduate Student, Youth Ballet, and UI student organizations requests, submitted to Dance Academic Coordinator, Sarah Raper
- Dance Gala, UI Dance Company, and Space Place Theatre requests, submitted to KatyBeth Schmid
- WEEKLY studio requests are submitted to the Studio Scheduler
- The deadline to request a studio is Thursday at 3:00 PM for the following week in which you are requesting.
- A schedule confirmation for faculty will be sent within 48 hours
- A schedule confirmation for graduate and undergraduate requests will be sent by Fridays at 5:00 p.m.
2024-2025 Studio Reservations
Requests for fall 2024 begin on Monday, August 19 for the week of August 25-31
Requests for spring 2025 begin on Monday, January 13 for the week of January 19-25
2024-2025 Studio Reservations
I. WEEKLY Rehearsal Time Allotments
I. WEEKLY Rehearsal Time Allotments
Person/Group | Time Limit |
Faculty (non-concert projects) | Limit 4 hours per week |
Faculty (Faculty Concert) | Limit 6 hours per week per piece |
MFA Candidates in Dance (non-thesis) | Limit 6 hours per week |
MFA Candidates in Dance (thesis) | Limit 6 hours per week per piece |
Senior and Junior Dance Majors | Limit 4 hours per week |
Sophomore and First Year Dance Majors | Limit 3 hours per week |
Student organizations and non-dance majors/minors | Limit 2 hours per week |
Please note: Works looking for additional rehearsal time or an intensive week must receive approval from the Director of Dance Production. Thesis works looking for additional time should also receive approval from their thesis chair.
II. Graduate Student Studio Requests
II. Graduate Student Studio Requests
- THESIS: Fall requests are made through the studio request form. Spring schedules will be set at a scheduling meeting in November/December 2024. Meeting will be set by the Production Stage Manager.
- GRADUATE STUDENTS in Dance semester long requests:
- A semester long requests ends at the conclusion of the semester.
- Once a graduate student makes a semester long request, it cannot be changed. However, the students can barter amongst themselves if they would like to switch times with each other.
- Graduate students may continue to make weekly requests, in addition to their semester long request, as long as it does not exceed their 6 weekly rehearsal hour limit.
III. Undergraduate and Weekly Studio Requests
III. Undergraduate and Weekly Studio Requests
- The deadline to request a rehearsal studio is Thursday at 3:00 p.m. for the following week in which you are requesting. The week is Sunday to Saturday. (For example: Thursday, August 22 is the deadline for any requests during the week of August 25-31)
- Undergraduate students and UI student organizations must request space on a weekly basis. No semester length requests will be accepted.
- BFA CAPSTONE PROJECTS, SPRING SEMESTER ONLY: BFA Seniors may make a semester-long request for their BFA Capstone project rehearsals.
IV. Space Place Rehearsal Requests
IV. Space Place Rehearsal Requests
- Space Place Theatre is a performance space for the Department of Dance. Reservations are limited to productions, dance majors, and dance minors.
- Requests for Space Place submitted via Dance Studio Request Form one week prior to your requested date(s).
V. Studio Schedule Posting
V. Studio Schedule Posting
- Complete studio schedules will be available on Ad Astra by 5:00 p.m. on Friday for the following weekly schedule (example: Friday, August 23 by 5:00 p.m. the studio schedule will be available for the week of August 25-31).