Every Step
Choreography: Emily Jane Yin Gumal
Music Composer: Douglas Baker
Pieces: Zeno's Arrow, You Are Enough
Costume Design: Emily Jane Yin Gumal
Lighting Design: Jim Albert
Musician: Douglas Baker
Video Editor: Emily Jane Yin Gumal
Videographers: Emily Jane Yin Gumal, Douglas Baker, Jack Delaney, Kyleigh Harm, Katherine Shamdin, Brittlyn Taylor, Britt Juleen
Voiceovers: Emily Jane Yin Gumal, Douglas Baker, Jack Delaney, Kyleigh Harm, Katherine Shamdin, Brittlyn Taylor
Dancers: Emily Jane Yin Gumal, Douglas Baker, Jack Delaney, Kyleigh Harm, Katherine Shamdin, Brittlyn Taylor
What does a journey mean to you? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “journey” as “something suggesting travel or passage from one place to another” and “an act or instance of traveling from one place to another.” However, a journey means something different to everyone and everyone’s journey is unique. Every Step tells the story of journeys and how they intertwine and mesh and mingle and meander and loop back on themselves and restart and deviate from the original path, but also reminds us that sometimes the destination isn’t what’s important, it’s the journey that takes us there.
I would like to thank all my dancers for their endlessly hard work, their dedication, and their constant support in the makings of this project, including, but not limited to dancing at 7:30 a.m., dancing in the frigid cold weather, dancing for multiple video takes with a camera, writing their own voiceovers, and contributing towards the videography. I would also like to thank Britt Juleen, who has been a wonderful mentor, advisor, support system, and videographer from Day 1. Additionally, my utmost gratitude goes to Douglas Baker, who not only is dancing in this piece, but who wrote all the music and filmed himself performing said music; thank you so much. I would also like to thank all my dance professors, both here and in Malaysia, for their constant support and endless dedication to making me the best dancer I could possibly be. Last, but not least, I want to thank my family back home in Malaysia who have been my Number 1 supporters from the very beginning; all of you have been the very best supporters and cheerleaders, driving me to endless dance classes, paying for my education, my dance shoes, my classes, my exams, even watching all my performances recorded since attending in-person is not an option. You have always been here for me. Thank you all so much. This piece - and this journey - would not have been possible without any of you. That is why Every Step is dedicated to all of you; each and every person who has been on this journey with me and made me - and this piece - what it is.
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