Choreographed by Audrey Michaels with collaboration from the dancers
When struggling with depression, your view of yourself as well as the people around you shifts, causing what once was familiar to become something foreign and strange. Depression is ugly, unkind and unwelcoming, yet it affects every area of life - both seen and unseen. It can disguise itself as beauty, but my hopes are that after witnessing this piece, you will be able to see that choosing peace over negativities, false truths, and unhealthy individuals is possible. You just need to find the strength to say, "enough is enough" and walk away in faith knowing that there is a better path for you.
Brenna Labus
Ellen Lee
Maggie Nolan
Emma Proch
Talia Van Santen
Artistic Team:
"Cara Delevingne's Powerful Life Advice on Overcoming Depression and Anxiety" - Interview from Motivation Madness
"Myself Through You" by Michael Wall
"Keep Asking Me" by Francis Wells
Rain sounds including "Light Rain", "Straget Thunder", "Water drips in a Cave", and another rain sound.
Costumes provided by the dancers and Juliana Waechter
Lighting Designer:
Nicole Blodig
Special thanks:
Thank you to Todd Rhoades, Eloy Barragán, and the wonderful humans performing in this piece. I'm very grateful to have gotten to learn both from and with you all and your inner light's shine brightly.
Meet the Choreographer
Audrey Michaels